What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of Japanese energy healing. Reiki roughly translates into “the life force energy moving in all living things”. Reiki is not connected to any specific spiritual practice or religion, and it may be practiced by all. There is a specific training process required of Reiki healers, where we learn how to channel and provide the clearest energy for clients.

Traditional Reiki sessions are done hands on and in person. You will arrive at my office and relax on a reiki table while I channel the healing energies to you. There is nothing you need to do in order to receive the healing, aside from relaxing as much as you feel comfortable. I offer both virtual/distance and in person/hands on Reiki sessions. They each range from 30-60 minutes, including greeting and de-briefing time. I ask that if you are a current therapy client, you save additional processing for our future therapy sessions, so we may focus on Reiki during our scheduled time.

How is Reiki Used in Therapy?

I use distance Reiki healing in therapy sessions, at the client’s request. There is nothing the client needs to do to receive Reiki. As long as you have the intention to receive the healing, it will happen. Sometimes I channel Reiki healing energy while sessions are continuing as normal, or we can also set aside time at the beginning or end of a session to focus on intentional Reiki meditation and gounding.

  • Accreditation

    I received my Usui Holy Fire Reiki Level I & II attunements from the Minnesota Center for Reiki.

  • Research Articles

    For my science folks out there. This is one of many research articles that are beginning to explore the ways Reiki can be an added support alongside individual psychotherapy.


Standard Reiki Healing rates are offered at $50 for 30 minutes and $100 for 60 minutes. Adding Reiki into individual psychotherapy is no extra cost. Please contact me for sliding scale rates as needed.